How to Draw a Pierced Eyebrow Easy

Eyebrow Piercing Infections

You've had your eyebrow piercing for several days, and you're enjoying a new look and tons of compliments from your friends and family. One day you wake up, and after getting out of the shower you notice the skin around your eyebrow piercing is warm to the touch.

There's a small bump at the piercing site that appears to be getting bigger, and what's worse, there's a small amount of dark yellow discharge coming from the piercing site.

There's always going to be a risk of infection with any piercing. If you're dealing with an infected eyebrow piercing, don't panic. Consult your piercing specialist or a doctor/dermatologist and follow these simple treatment suggestions to treat the infection and get your new piercing back to looking its best.

What are the Symptoms of an Infected Eyebrow Piercing?

You could be dealing with an infected eyebrow piercing if you start to notice some of these signs:

  • Discomfort with redness, itching and swelling around the piercing site.
  • Discharge that is dark or extremely cloudy, usually yellow or green, sometimes mixed with blood.
  • The presence of a small pimple at the piercing site, which is sensitive to the touch and filled with fluid.
  • Remember that a healthy piercing will normally give off a small amount of clear fluid discharge. Fluid discharge is only a matter of concern if it is cloudy or opaque and mixed with blood.

What are the Causes of an Infected Eyebrow Piercing?

There is no one cause of an infected eyebrow piercing. The primary causes are:

  • Constantly touching or playing with the new piercing.
  • Improper or inconsistent cleaning and aftercare.
  • Contamination due to bacteria, excessive sweat, make-up, dirt, or sunscreen.
  • Improper or substandard piercing technique.

How to Treat an Infected Eyebrow Piercing

There is a simple treatment for an infected or irritated eyebrow piercing, that should clear things up in no time. If your eyebrow piercing is irritated or infected, contact your piercing specialist right away, and be aware that a more severe infection may require treatment from a licensed medical professional.

The Sea Salt Soak

The standard treatment for an infected eyebrow piercing is a solution of sea salt and warm water. Mix the sea salt and warm, (but not hot) water at a ratio of ⅛ teaspoon of fine sea salt to ¼ cup of water. Some piercing specialists may recommend this as part of a standard aftercare regimen regardless of whether you have an infection.

Apply a warm compress with the sea salt solution to the infected piercing for five to ten minutes, three times a day. If the infection persists for a week with no improvement, contact a medical professional right away.

To Prevent Your Eyebrow Piercing From Becoming Infected, Aftercare is Key

The primary cause of most infected eyebrow piercings is lax aftercare and poor hygiene. To prevent your eyebrow piercing from becoming infected, you must follow your piercing specialist's suggested aftercare regimen to the letter.

To keep your eyebrow piercing looking its best and to avoid an infection or possible medical complications, keep the following rules in mind, and be aware that your piercing specialist may recommend a slightly different aftercare regimen than the one we've provided here.

Some Simple Guidelines to Follow

While eyebrow piercings aren't very painful, they can be high maintenance in terms of aftercare. Here are some basic rules to follow.


  • Wash your hands with hot water and antibacterial soap for at least 30 seconds before you touch the piercing for any reason.
  • Clean and rinse the piercing daily while you are in the shower.
  • Right after you've showered, it's best to clean your new piercing at least 2-3 more times over the day for the first week, using warm water and antibacterial soap, taking the time to rinse thoroughly. After the first week, you can cut back to cleaning your piercing once a day.
  • Clean your piercing if you've been sweating, such as after exercise or yard work. Try to avoid situations that might cause excessive sweating, especially during the first week of healing.
  • Take vitamin supplements that are good for the skin, such as vitamins D, C, and A.
  • Be aware of your allergies, especially if you're allergic to metals such as gold, nickel, or titanium, which can cause severe skin irritation in certain individuals.


  • Touch your piercing unless you have to clean or maintain it. Constantly touching your new piercing will cause the skin around the piercing site to become irritated. Irritation can lead to infection.
  • Consume any food or substance that causes skin irritation or thinning of the blood, such as caffeine, alcohol, or over-the-counter painkillers such as Advil, Aspirin, or Motrin.
  • Wear make-up or use skincare products that might irritate your piercing. Exercise great caution if you need to pluck or trim your eyebrows.
  • Remove your piercing before it's fully healed, or your piercing specialist gives you the all-clear to do so. If you remove your piercing for any reason, put it back in as soon as possible.
  • Submerge your new piercing in any body of water, chlorinated or otherwise, until the piercing site has completely healed. It's best to get the all-clear from your piercing specialist for this.
  • Bump your eyebrow piercing against walls, doors, etc. Try to avoid causing any stress or undue trauma to the piercing site.

Use Common Sense When Taking Care Of A New Eyebrow Piercing

Dealing with an infected eyebrow piercing comes down to common sense. If your new eyebrow piercing is infected, follow the instructions for the sea salt soak we discussed earlier, and contact your piercing specialist right away. If the infection persists or appears to be more severe, don't hesitate to contact a medical professional.

Aim to prevent infections with your new piercing by following your piercing specialist's aftercare regimen exactly. Don't touch your new piercing unless you're cleaning it. If you need to touch your piercing, take care to wash your hands with hot water and antibacterial soap for at least 30 seconds beforehand, and remember to rinse the piercing site thoroughly afterward.

Don't submerge your piercing in any body of water until it's fully healed. Avoid foods that will irritate the skin or thin the blood, and avoid bumping your new eyebrow piercing against walls or surfaces. Keeping these basic rules in mind will help you deal with any infection and keep your brand new eyebrow piercing looking good for years to come.


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